Saturday 29 June 2013

6 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Sizzling

By Simon S Casey

Almost all relationships start hot and as the fire power loses its intensity with less sparks, partners find themselves in the grips of boredom.

Gradually, each partner start feeling old before their time as they start looking elsewhere for adventure and seeking further proof of their desirability. What happened to that partner who was full of passion and desire, could not wait to come home, but rather take a detour to the nearest happy hour instead!

Both partners must take full responsibility for the fizzle in their relationship although many rather blame, shame, finger point, act like a victim, hoping that the other partner will eventually feel bad enough to take responsibility to make it happen for both of them. This is of course a losing proposition. If you want sizzle and keep the fire burning, I highly recommend the following proven techniques.

1- Learn the language of feelings: Without feelings intimacy and passion is impossible. Feelings have a language of their own. Language of feelings is the means by which we relate with ourselves, and if we can’t communicate with ourselves, we simply can’t communicate with our partners. When we tell the truth about our feelings we invite love and connection. Feelings are the ultimate sparks of love.

2- Be playful: You remember how creative and child like you were at the beginning of your relationship. Being playful keeps you young, adventurous, especially sexually, and allows partners to rediscover themselves by bringing newness in to the relationship which will keep your partner guessing for a while.

3- Don’t take your partner for granted: When people feel not appreciated in their relationship, those feelings often turn in to resentments which are mostly negative feelings. Resentments often put a damper on the relationship, forces the partners to be emotionally distant. So give your partner at least two appreciations per day. This is a great way to start the emotional foreplay.

4- Get out of the ritualism: Ritualism is the kiss of death. The movie “Groundhog Day” is a great example of this problem. This often comes about innocently due to kids, work, obligations etc. where partners start assuming roles such as, care taker, provider. Such roles promote nothing but loss of self, feeling overwhelmed and boredom. So, in order to keep the sizzle going, be spontaneous and try something new and different every day.

5- Verbalize your needs and fantasies: Many partners are guilty of this. Remember, your partner neither a mind reader nor a psychic. Get out of your comfort zone and talk about some of your hidden fantasies without feeling guilt or shame. And there could be nothing better if you can act-out or role play your fantasies with your lover.

6- You are responsible: Remember if you want to keep your relationship hot than you must actively participate in it rather than waiting and wondering. Don’t expect others to light up your fire otherwise you will be waiting for a long time. Know that, the real fire is within you and others can only intensify what is already with in your heart.

So, if you want your relationship to sizzle, you need to master your feelings. Emotional mastery is the way to a sensual and successful relationship.

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